Police and Fire
Preparations Are Made For An Event That We Pray Never Happens..
August 3, 2022
Yesterday Madeira Police hosted an event at the Madeira Middle School practicing what they would do in the case of an “active shooter” in the school building. Over the past several years and most recently in Texas, school shootings have become all too prevalent, leading to deaths of young students, and their teachers. Our police were joined by the Madeira and Indian Hill Fire fighters and medical personnel. Indian Hill Rangers and first responders from several other communities also participated. The messenger was allowed to follow the participants during their practice and to photograph police and fire personnel close up. Some takes included how serious this exercise was looked at by all involved. The police and fire participants carefully went from hallway to classrooms. up stair ways and down. There were police and fire advisers, coaching the participants and explaining how it would be if the event was in reality real. The “medics” were shown how to partner with police, knowing the importance of finding a “shooter” but also providing aid to any victims of an active shooter situation. Another observation was that the participants clearly understood that you have very little time to waste in a active shooter situation and that in addition to preparing for an event that you hope never happens, courage will be your most important asset, being willing to sacrifice your life for the lives of others.

Madeira Police Awarded..
The FOP has awarded the Madeira Police Department, Detective Rick Byram, and Officer Joe Freedman, for their investigative job leading to solution of murder of local Madeira Businessman Roop Gupta. (May 14, 2022)
2021 Police Report
Welcome to the new Madeiramessenger.com Madeira Police and Fire Page. The first story on this page is posted on the button at your right, “Madeira Police Report for 2021”.