Outside Madeira

We All Have A Stake In Sycamore Creek….

There will not be much fanfare nor will there be a ribbon cutting, but there will be a reclamation of a major creek that will return part of a magnificent water way back in time. Sycamore Creek may not have impressed you, but maybe that’s because you haven’t noticed. The City / Village of Indian Hill is nearing completion of “A Project Management Plan, Sycamore Creek Stream Restoration and Habitat Enhancement Project”, re-establishing approximately 2,840 linear feet of stream channel on Sycamore Creek starting at Spooky Hollow Road Bridge , south, adjacent to Loveland Madeira Road. The 1.5 million dollar project encompasses 1.1 river miles. The project addresses issues with erosion, siltation and sedimentation along the entire length of the stream corridor, impairing Sycamore Creek and resulting in stream habitat reduction, directly impacting stream waters including the Little Miami River. The stream and Little Miami River are recognized as a higher quality water shed by the Ohio EPA and others.

Although this project in Indian Hill doesn’t directly effect the City of Madeira or the residents, storm water from Madeira doe’s have a direct effect on the water quality of Sycamore Creek. When it rains, the results have the effect of raising the water flowing into Sycamore Creek beginning near Camargo Road at the Railroad tracks. This tributary flowing from Madeira into Sycamore Creek, is only one of many Madeira tributary’s. Less than a century ago there was a large area of water just off of Miami Avenue, referred to as the “Hosbrook Pond” part of the Hosbrook family farm, with outlets of water that flowed from the pond through parts of Madeira eventually flowing into Sycamore Creek. The attached photos show the stormwater making its way to Sycamore Creek, piped under Mar Del Drive, under Euclid Road, under the Madeira City hall parking lot, under Miami Avenue, under Railroad Avenue, and last, piped under, Camargo Road. There are many more examples of Madeira storm water flowing into Sycamore Creek from numerous parts of Madeira making Madeira an important contributor to the health of the waterway on its journey to the Little Miami River. The City of Madeira and residents should be aware how storm water flows through the community and the effect it has on the environment in and outside of Madeira. In the past 80 or so years, there has been flooding in many areas of Madeira due to neglect and dumping of debris in our storm water outlets, effecting the quality of Sycamore Creek water as it makes its way to the Little Miami River. Not included in this story is that not all Madeira storm water flows into Sycamore Creek. According to where you reside, storm water may flow in a different direction, ending up in “Duck Creek”. An example is the storm water from McDonald Commons Park and some of Dawson Road is piped into a creek that is along Camargo Road, ending up in Duck Creek.

For the only time in the last 100 years, Miami Avenue has been opened up exposing the concrete culvert that carries the flow of storm water thru downtown Madeira making its way to the Little Miami River via Sycamore Creek. This photo (above) was taken January 19, 2025 and shows how the storm water was routed under the Miami Avenue roadway. The Ford Construction Company was hired by the City of Madeira to rebuild the culvert.

Sycamore Creek and the Indian Hill Project..

The project was important for numerous reasons. The waterway drains approximately 23.4 square miles / 14,980 acres within Hamilton County. The creek was considered somewhat impaired, including habitat alterations, metals, and natural limits. Indian Hill took advantage of the opportunity to affect an important section of their community including part of Sycamore Creek. The area is public land, but is only used for specific purposes. The Little Miami River sits just hundreds of feet from the affected project area. Some wildlife that had to be considered in the existing habitat included the Indiana Bat and the Northern Long Eared Bat, in addition to Bald and Golden Eagles. The planting of hundreds of new trees and plants native to the area are included in the project requirements. To make way for the new plantings, Honeysuckle and other existing plants were required to be removed. Two non-profits Green Acres and Turner Farm are both located in Indian Hill. Included are the following documents and photos that help better understand the magnitude of the project.

Former Hunter Biden Partner and Best Friend Testifies Before U.S. Congress..

August 4, 2023, A few days ago on July 31, 2023, a former partner and best friend of Hunter Biden, Devon Archer, was interviewed by the United States House of Representatives “Committee on Oversight and Accountability”. In Mr. Archers transcript (on button at left) were many revelations, contradicting statements from President Joe Biden and son Hunter Biden. It would be expected that this transcript and other interviews will eventually lead to the impeachment of Joe Biden.

Unclassified FBI Document Provides Allegations of VP. Biden Bribery…

Looks like the net is tightening!

Democrat Greg Landsman Represents Madeira Residents as New Congressman

Former Cincinnati City Council member, 36 year old Greg Landsman, was elected in November 2022 representing Madeira residents in congress. He will serve two years before running for re-election in 2024. Our purpose will be to inform Madeira residents about who Greg is what he stands for and how he votes. The messenger will list his votes in congress on topics and issues that are important to Madeira residents. An example is his position on abortions, we know that he is “pro choice” but how do we define pro- choice? An abortion is the “killing” of a human baby, what is Greg’s opinion, we will work to learn his specific view and what it will mean to the Madeira community he now represents. March 26, 2023.

June 24, 2022, United States Supreme Court Overturns Roe vs. Wade, 1973 Decision, Abortions No Longer Protected By US Constitution…

Why does it matter to Madeira residents? The story begins here, June 30, 2022. Unborn babies have been given a new lease on life, but to what extent? Part of this story will look at how American Businesses and their employees will handle the June 24th decision, including our own hometown Kroger Company.

The Cincinnati Enquirer and other publications have discovered and reported that businesses including Dicks Sporting Goods and Kroger Corporation will cover all or at least some of the travel cost of employees crossing state lines to have an abortion. Since the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe vs Wade, each state will now individually decide if abortions can be obtained in their state. Already states such as New York and California have made their decision to allow abortions. The Enquirer reported that at least 20 states have already decided that abortions will be banned. It was reported that Kroger has always had a policy of providing travel cost for “access to safe and high quality reproductive care”. The definition of high – quality reproduction care” is very unclear. Seems like ending the life of a BABY in the womb of a female Kroger employee would not meet the definition of Reproductive Care. If the Kroger Company insurance were to pay for birth control pills or pay for the delivery of the baby both would meet the definition of Reproduction Care, but ending the life of a human baby in the womb isn’t reproduction care, some say it is murder.

The question now to be asked is why is the Kroger Company and other companies across America so involved in making sure that their employees can still get an abortion, and also can a girlfriend or wife of an employee be compensated for the travel cost involved in an abortion. It appears that corporate America will be encouraging abortions, there may very well be benefits to corporations encouraging abortions. The cost for an abortion is much less than the cost of delivering a live baby and of course when there is an aborted BABY, there is not an dependent of the employee that will be added to the company insurance plan. The cost of delivering a baby from the womb will be far more expensive to the employee and to the Kroger Company or what ever Business is encouraging abortions. Would Kroger founder Barny Kroger think well of his company encouraging abortions by making it easy for Kroger women to obtain or would he rather have encouraged life over murder. We will see what effect these procedures have at the Kroger Company in the near future.

Texas Insurance company announces new efforts, encouraging employees to deliver and raise their babies. Buffer Insurance Company is increasing their support for paid Maternity and Paternity payments and adoption programs. This is contrary to many American Businesses promoting abortions, including financial support.